
Learn Music Faster Practice Sheet

Learn Music Faster – Use a Practice Sheet

This is a sheet where you plan and write down what you’re going to practice. It has space for you to tick off each item each day. You can download my template practice sheet here. Practice sheets are great as a reminder of what you are meant to be working on. This keeps your practice structured and focused…

People in conversation

Goal Setting 8 – Achieving Goals – Tell People

Last time we looked at how regularly reviewing your goals and the steps you’re taking towards them are the best way to keep yourself on track. This time I want to give you another tip for achieving your goals as quickly as possible.

I would recommend sharing your goals. Tell other people about them. Don’t necessarily blurt it out as soon as you introduce yourself to someone new, but be prepared to tell people about it as and when it seems appropriate. Definitely tell your close friends and loved ones. Maybe tell other people if it crops up in conversation.

Footprints with arrows pointing in various directions

Setting Goals 5 – How To Set Goals – Choosing Your Goal

In previous posts we’ve introduced the idea of goals, defined them, discussed why they work and talked about how you can only really have one goal. With all this to bear in mind, how do you go about choosing your goal? How do you narrow down all your interests, desires, hopes and ambitions to settle on one target that you will pursue at the expense of all the others?

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